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support facingの例文


  • DigiKam has been updated to support face detection, image versioning, and image tagging.
  • In addition, parents who are delinquent in paying child support face professional license revocation.
  • Prisoners with no money or external support faced starvation.
  • Delahunt said he would oppose formal national-identity cards, though he might support face-scanning in airports.
  • The built-in camera application now supports Face detection
  • A frequent and transparent communicator, Talisman's website and educational blog entries support face to face meetings.
  • And Bush would support face-to-face meetings between the Saudis, Israelis or other regional parties as beneficial, Fleischer said.
  • Welch suggested that the administration must proceed cautiously lest rebel forces receiving U . S . support face annihilation by Saddam's troops.
  • As President George W . Bush was inside Sullivant Elementary School, touting his education plan, about 100 critics and supports faced off outside.
  • All of these factors mean even sites with industry support face dangers, Williams said, noting high-tech companies have a higher rate of failure than restaurants.
  • All of these factors mean even sites with industry support face dangers, Williams said, noting tech companies have a higher rate of failure than restaurants.
  • Later on 4 October the German forces north of Tornio consisting of 3 infantry battalions, more heavily armed than their Finnish counterparts, with artillery support faced 3 Finnish infantry battalions.
  • "Should the academy decide to do away with the old sections'structure, " she wrote in an e-mail to The New York Times, " I hope it finds a way to continue to support face-to-face meeting of members that do so much to foster networking and mentoring, in addition to the exchange of information ."